Week By Week Symptoms Of Pregnancy Explained

Being a mother of 3 kids, I would like to say that I can adequately understand early pregnancy symptom variety, as well as those experienced as the pregnancy progresses. You should realize that the signs experienced by some women vary from those experienced by others. While the pregnancy test is known as the only way to confirm the occasion, some signs can also tell you about it. Below, I’ll tell you about the earlier pregnancy symptoms you should be aware of.
Note that early symptoms of pregnancy frequently resemble those of menstruation. If you plan to become a first-time mom, you are probably wondering, “When do pregnancy symptoms start?”, “What are the earliest pregnancy symptoms?”, or “Which are the pregnancy symptoms before period missed?” My review will provide you with answers to such questions. I explore the various pregnancy symptoms by weeks and help you know the right time to conduct a pregnancy test.
Common Symptoms of Early Pregnancy
Being pregnant could either be thrilling or terrifying. You, therefore, do not want to get ahead of yourself. The best way to avoid this is to know exactly the very early pregnancy symptoms, how they manifest themselves. This is so that you do not mistake a sign to be a pregnancy symptom, yet it is not.
Pregnancy has three trimesters with the average gestation period being about 36 weeks. Several pregnancy signs show as soon as two weeks after one conceives. But pregnancy signs take different time to show for different women. The pregnancy symptoms by week you experience in starting parturiency may be different from those in your subsequent pregnancies. During my first pregnancy, I experienced no implantation bleeding, but I did experience it during my third pregnancy. It was a cause for alarm, but after I confirmed with the doctor that nothing is wrong, I was glad and calm about it.
Remember that your body will be going through changes it has never experienced during your first pregnancy. You are likely to experience a lot of discomforts. Poor dieting habits, stress management techniques, exercise routines can result in more troubles. You will be required to visit the hospital regularly for prenatal clinics and take in folic acid tablets as well as other supplements and vitamins. Before we get to that, let me explore the common signs that will show if you have conceived.
Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 3
Not many women find out about their pregnancy earlier than week 3. However, at week 3, any of the below symptoms can arouse suspicion.
- Missed period
More often than not, this usually is the first signal to the cause that you might soon have to eat for two. Missing my period was the symptom that prompted me to get a test done. Such signal works great for females who have a regular 28-day cycle. It is rather uncommon for those who had any before missed periods symptoms of pregnancy. If a couple of weeks pass without having received your periods, then you might have conceived. Missed periods, however, can be inaccurate for women who experience irregular cycles.
Apart from, there are many other caused of missed period. The cycle could be skipped because of stress, weight gain, or loss or hormonal changes. Conducting a pregnancy test as soon as possible is the best way to prove your suspicion. - Implantation bleeding
This cause is often confused for menstrual periods. During implantation situation, the fertilized egg clings to the walls of the uterus. As this process results in a part of the uterus eroded, it causes bleeding. This phenomenon lasts between one day to half a week. Implantation bleeding can start right before the time of your period, so many women consider it their periods. Such bleeding is commonly lighter, and its color is either brown or light pink. - Nausea
Often termed as morning sickness, nausea is probably the main of week 3 in pregnancy symptoms. With the pregnancy advancing, there might be a feeling of nausea, and sometimes you might vomit. Morning sickness is not limited to specific hours during the day. It is a reaction to some elevated changes in hormone quantities. Nausea and vomiting may still be experienced at week 7 because the intensity increases as your pregnancy advances. - Breast changes
Hormonal changes may trigger some changes in your breasts. As your pregnancy enters the 3rd week, your breasts become tender. The breasts may become sore, sensitive, weightier, and fuller. The color around the areola may become darker. Also, some veins in boobs might also become more visible via your skin. Bear in mind that after 1 to 3 weeks after the pregnancy happens, the pain will gradually decrease as your body will have adjusted to the changed quantity of hormone.
Pregnancy Symptoms by 4 Weeks
Now, you can be sure that something is off with your body. Probably, there will be additional symptoms mentioned below:
- Fatigue
No one is new to feeling fatigued after a long workday, as well as tough hours during a gym work out. Unusual tiredness can imply in the pregnancy. During my second pregnancy, I would get tired even just from doing minimal household chores like folding the laundry. This feeling may arise after 2-4 weeks in some women but is mostly one of major symptoms for pregnancy at 4 weeks. It happens because of increasing quantity of progesterone that is responsible for this.
Trying to include additional resting hours in your day would be of great help. Also, make sure that you let your colleagues at work know so that they can lend you a hand whenever they can. Including protein and iron in daily meals proves being very beneficial in boosting your levels of energy. - Food cravings
Strange food pairings are also caused by changes in hormone quantities which can make one long for certain foods and completely dislike others. Such often result in nausea. These cravings can last during the entire parturiency or disappear before the trimester one ends. I advise you to keep a balanced and healthy diet taking care of yourself and the unborn child. Seek dieting help from a doctor or nutritionist.
5 Weeks into Pregnancy Symptoms
Females who have irregular periods may not suspect pregnancy until they experience these 5 week of pregnancy symptoms of pregnancy:
- Cramps
Mild cramping is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy at week 5. Abdominal cramping may occur due to enlarging of the womb or implantation. The cramping is not severe and lessens over time. In case the cramping it is too much you had better call your doctor early. I realized that paying close attention as the pregnancy advances and having any abnormalities checked goes a long way in helping to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Any irregularity in the 5th week of pregnancy symptoms may indicate an underlying issue. - Increased frequency of urination
Another 5 weeks of pregnancy symptom results in getting needs to regularly pee. Pregnant females will, consequently, have to make allowances in daily routine so as to relieve yourself. There could be other reasons like diabetes or a urinary tract infection to explain the increasing frequency of peeing. Make sure you visit a doctor if you suspect it is for another reason other than pregnancy.
Symptoms of a 6 Week Pregnancy
When thinking about pregnancy symptoms week by week, you probably do not think about emotional reactions that may be a tell-аtale sign of a bun in the oven:
- Mood swings
One of the 6 weeks symptoms pregnancy is sudden shifts in. You will be laughing one second and the next shouting and sad. Pregnancy brings happiness or stress with it. Feelings of stress or anxiety are typical for a lot of females but do not neglect your emotional well-being. Speak with highly qualified persons if your moods entirely change several times during a day. - Bloating and constipation
Progesterone can also result in other side effects, which are constipation and bloating, which are week 6 symptoms of pregnancy. This hormone slows down the usual functioning of the gastrointestinal tract resulting in some accumulation of gas in women intestines or stomach. If you face constipation, ensure you drinking appropriate amount of water to remain hydrated. What you can do more, exercise a little and eat more foods rich in fiber such as fruits or green vegetables to counter these uncomfortable 6 weeks pregnancy symptoms. - Indigestion and heartburns
Indigestion and heartburns also are symptoms of pregnancy in week 6. These chemical substances create relaxation of muscles preventing acids from going up in the esophagus.
Pregnancy 7 Week Symptoms
These factors can be disgusting, yet they are also indications that you should be seeing a doctor to take a pregnancy test ASAP:
- Excess saliva
Growing saliva production can accompany morning sicknesses experienced. It will feel weird, but you don’t have to worry about it a lot. It is one of some other strange pregnancy by weeks symptoms. - Diarrhea
This is yet another digestive difficulty that may occur at the 7th week after conception because of surge in amounts of pregnancy hormones. Diarrhea is not common to many women like food aversions and fatigue are but may be experienced. Ensure you eat a balanced meal and drink a lot of water to replace the amounts lost through diarrhea . Also, do not worry; diarrhea cannot cause a miscarriage.
Week 8 Symptoms of Pregnancy
In case you’re still not worried 8 weeks after not having your period, seeing these signs should get you thinking:
- Decreased blood pressure
Its change is one of the pregnancy in 8 weeks symptoms. During early pregnancy, blood pressure will drop below normal. Hormones of pregnancy cause dilation of the blood vessels resulting in pressure changes. As a result, you may also feel dizzy.
High blood pressure is, however, difficult to determine while one is pregnant. Cases of high blood pressure within the first 20 weeks after conceiving may indicate a problem. Hypertension makes pregnancy more strenuous. It requires that a physician keenly monitors you. - Increased heartbeat rate
An increase in your heartbeat levels is one of the week 8 pregnancy symptoms. Your heart may begin to beat faster. Other pregnancy in week 8 symptoms include palpitations and arrhythmias. Keep in mind that a faster heartbeat may indicate other medical conditions, for instance, a heart problem.
Confirm Your Symptoms with Pregnancy Tests
While all these signals above help you know when does the pregnancy symptoms starts; you should consider the test as the main approach to confirm that you are expecting a child. There are 2 types of tests: urine and blood tests. If you ask how at-home test works, it checks your pee for the appearance of HCG hormone. The blood test, alternatively, examines quantitative plus qualitative natures of this hormone in your blood. It can be performed at a hospital or clinic.
On the other hand, at-home test can be done at any place and at any time, making it quick and simple to find out whether there is a pregnancy or not. However, choosing the best pregnancy test results being not a simple task. With numbers of options to pick from, how do you know which is a proper fit? This review on 10 best pregnancy tests will help you make the right choice.
Still not sure? Try these Best Pregnancy Tests
All Your Questions on Pregnancy Symptoms Answered
I would recommend you to take the useful information below into consideration.
When does pregnancy symptoms start to show?
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
Which are the ectopic pregnancy symptoms?
The common signals include:
- Severe pain that is on and off. The acuity of it varies. It is mostly felt in the pelvis or abdomen. If the fallopian tube ruptures and blood reaches the diaphragm, pain may also be felt at the back of neck or shoulders
- Vaginal bleeding, light or very heavy
- Nausea and vomiting, accompanied by pain
- Pain on one side of your body
How can I tell I am experiencing typical pregnancy signals but not symptoms of ectopic pregnancy?
When do I take a pregnancy test?
Do pregnancy signs cause dizziness?
Does progesterone cause pregnancy symptoms?
How long do pregnancy symptoms last?
Well, Am I Pregnant?
By this stage, you should be able to understand whether you are pregnant or not. While most first-time mums may not be fully aware of these symptoms; women who are already moms might still be in the dark about particular signs. The above symptoms can indicate that you are sick, or if your menstrual period is about to start.
It is only a test that confirms your pregnancy status. Be careful buying such test, as each has specific instructions that must be followed to get accurate results. Make sure to get an appointment with OBGYN after you know about the pregnancy for adequate prenatal care.
Was this post interesting, thought-provoking, or useful for you? Will you use pregnancy tests or maybe advise them to your relatives/friends? You are more than welcome to express your experience, thoughts, and ideas in the comments section.