Hello and Welcome to EasyToBeMom.com — our parenting and lifestyle blog. We are Annabel, Bethany, Celeste and Kiara — proud Moms and dedicated authors of this website. Are you pregnant and feeling anxious about it? Perhaps, you’re a new Mom who can’t remember the last time you slept for two hours straight? We are here to soothe your worries and fears, provide you with reliable information on pregnancy and parenting, as well as offer you our friendship and support.
By making the most of EasyToBeMom.com, you will:
• learn everything there is to know about pregnancy
• hit the parenting road like a pro
• access tons of relatable articles with useful tips
• read baby product reviews and comparison guides that have been compiled based on our personal experience
• get handy tips and hacks on how to organize your home and save money
Our blog is your go-to community when you feel you’re in need of some more knowledge to be an awesome Mom. We are not doctors. We are just Mothers who care. And we are here to enlighten, inspire, empower and entertain you, making your pregnancy and parenting experience a lot easier than what it could be without our gem of a blog. Here, we will answer all your questions on pregnancy and parenting, linking to scientific evidence and information to back up our statements.
Our Mission
We understand the challenges that expectant and new mothers face. Our mission is to help them. To share the years of experience of our team of experts. To help find answers to many routine questions and problems related to pregnancy.
Our team

Celeste Wallace
20 years ago, just when I was about to launch my company, I found out that I was pregnant. Should I table starting my own real estate business until my baby gets older and transition to a stay-at-home mom like a boss? That was my main question of that time. Definitely, the possibility of juggling baby with business seemed far from feasible. But I thought I should give it a try. It wasn’t easy, but I became a quite successful entrepreneur at my own risk. And I don’t regret a single minute of this experience. Want to know how I pulled the whole mompreneur thing off? Then I invite you to read my articles at our blog.
It’s no secret that being a working mom can take a serious toll on you. According to recent studies, about 90% of working moms suffer from health issues caused by high level of stress. In my articles, I will teach you some really helpful stress release techniques that really work. We will talk about establishing clear priorities and values, coping with the so-called working mother guilt, successful balancing of motherhood and work. Together, we will come to an understanding that there are no perfect moms. There are good ones. And I will share my secrets on how to be a good mom with you, based on my own successful experience.
Also, now that my older daughter is pregnant (something I’m way too excited about not to share with you guys!), she’s come across an issue of finding high quality baby gear. With a myriad of stroller types, cribs, baby carriers and infant car seats, finding a truly great baby item can make you feel a bit dizzy. So, as a woman who leaves no stone unturned on her way to helping her kids, I’ve gone into the issue of the best baby products out there. And I’m ready to share my product reviews with you here. Are you ready? Then head to my blog posts right away and ask me as many questions as you want. I will answer them all ASAP!

Bethany Andrews
My husband and I have twin boys, Jesse and Tom. They are the apples of my eye, treasure of my life and… occasionally the pain in my ass. I love them more than candies; heck, I love them even more than ice-cream! ? I come from a small town in Maryland. As a kid, I helped my Mom a lot with my little brothers and sisters. When I was in college, I used to babysit a lot — and I really enjoyed it. Even back then I knew I’d have two kids minimum. I kinda felt it as well — must’ve been wishful thinking… And I’ve always enjoyed traveling the world. Venice was the first city I visited outside the US, and it just amazed me.
My husband and I have twin boys, Jesse and Tom. They are the apples of my eye, treasure of my life and… occasionally the pain in my ass. I love them more than candies; heck, I love them even more than ice-cream! ? I come from a small town in Maryland. As a kid, I helped my Mom a lot with my little brothers and sisters. When I was in college, I used to babysit a lot — and I really enjoyed it. Even back then I knew I’d have two kids minimum. I kinda felt it as well — must’ve been wishful thinking… And I’ve always enjoyed traveling the world. Venice was the first city I visited outside the US, and it just amazed me.

Annabel Strickland
Hi there. I’m a stay-at-home mom to a beautiful 2 year-old boy called Matthew. I’m a positive thinker. I love my husband and I love my son dearly. I’m constantly working on spending quality time with my nearest and dearest doing my best to enrich my family with unconditional love. Also, I’m a big believer that women don’t have to give up on themselves and stop having the time of their lives because they’re moms. That’s why I do my best to take a little time for myself every single day.
Just like many new moms out there, I gained a lot of weight since I gave birth. That new body of mine didn’t make me feel comfortable at all. That’s why I decided that I should do something about it. I’ve now almost gotten my pre-baby body back, which has been very tough but worth it. Today, I’m learning to become a certified nutritionist to keep all the knowledge I’ve gained in order and share it with new moms who have similar problems.
I want to make it my mission to inspire women to create healthy eating habits and never forget about keeping fit. In my posts at EasyToBeMom.com, I will be sharing lots of tips on pregnancy nutrition, fitness, weight loss, parenting, motherhood as well as my healthy and delish no-sugar recipes. Staying healthy and keeping your body toned while raising kids can be a true challenge. I will help you with this in the best way I know how.